Chat with genuine swinger couples in Video Chat

Video chat online is the quickest way to connect with genuine swinger couples. You can instantly see if there is a connection, a spark and if you want to progress to a playdate or a private meet. On Swingles you can facetime with swingers from around the globe in our video chat room using any device, any time, anywhere! You have the option to text chat within the chatroom, whisper members privately, watch other members on cam or enable your own webcam to show off or cam chat with other members. Plus our Gold & Platinum Premium members can initiate a private cam to cam chat from within Messenger, our instant messenger feature.
How does Video Chat work?
Premium members have unlimited 24/7 access to the video chat room with no time limits, whilst Standard members can enter the chat room for a 4 hour free chat period every evening. The only requirement is that you must be verified as 18+ in order to access adult webcam chat.
When you click on Chat from the top ribbon or left hand menu it will take you to the chat landing page and, if you’re new to chat, there is a handy “how to” link for chat room etiquette and rules which you should read first. Then click on the Join Video Chat button to enter the room. You will be prompted to enable Adult Mode if you have it switched off (this blocks R rated content).
To see and sort who is in chat click on the Name tag at the top of the chat page. Their names will be colour coded for their member type:
- Couples are orange
- Female is pink
- Male is blue
- Gender Diverse is purple
- Groups are green
- Your profile name will appear in black.
You can enable your webcam at any time and you will be able to see who is watching you, or you can just remain in the text chat field. When a member has their webcam active you will see a video camera symbol next to their profile name which you can click on to access their cam. They will instantly see that you are watching them, so don’t be shy, make a move.
To make video chat fun for everyone there are four simple rules:
- Be polite!
- Don’t YELL by using capitals
- Don’t spam
- Have fun!
Use Video Chat to dip your toes into the Swing Lifestyle
Being able to random video chat with local swinger couples from the comfort of your own home allows you to avoid those nervous first meets, and you can chat to more seasoned swingers and learn more about the swing lifestyle. You can relax with your partner over a glass of wine and indulge in some cheeky online banter or watch other members on webcam.
So if you’re a newcomer couple not quite ready to strip down, attend a swingers party or swap and you’re more comfortable chatting online first to see if there’s a connection, our swingers video chat room is the perfect solution.
Why you’re going to love Video Chat on Swingles
Our chat room has been designed to give members the best possible experience. You’ll find the video chat bright and engaging and if you’re new to chat you’ll find the interface easy to use.
- Free swingers video chat for Standard members every evening
- Premium members have 24/7 chat room access with no time restrictions
- You can video chat on all devices, including your smartphone
- Standard members can view 3 live webcams, Premium members can view 4 live cams
- Switch between text chat and viewing cams easily
- Emoji options available
- Saved preferences for themes and display
- Member types are colour coded for easy reference
- Whisper/IM privately with other members in chat
- Filter chat participant list and see who is in chat
- See who is on webcam and who is watching you
- No advertisements or annoying pop-ups
So, don’t miss out on all the fun of sexy online interactions in our swingers video chat room. Join Swingles and start chatting with genuine swinger couples today!